UPDATE: Latest video on youtube search: Gold Dredging Silent at night (vortex electric dredge). This kit fits ONLY the older P90 pumps w the aluminum handle and legs cast to the Pump Body. 48v-60v Electric Drive Kit for the (older) Keene P90 Gold Dredge Pump. This kit will let you power Keene’s Iconic P90 Gold Dredge Pump w a 48v-60v E-Bike Battery. I run this on my 54v Samsung Battery and it turns the pump at 5153 RPM. Develops 30 psi and flows over 80 GPM. The motor pulls approx 12 amps at 54v and uses about 12 ah (amp hours) per hour. Thats running continuously at full power. If you are shutting down when you are not dredging material, the run time is much longer. You need to run the water cooling system and keep the motor temperature under control. Ideal motor temp (according to the experts) is 120-150 degrees F. Easily obtained w the water available from the pump. This is a manual operation on the cooling using two brass valves. This kit requires basic mechanical skills. Higher voltages are hazardous. This is a Kit. The battery and pump are not included. This fits only the older Keene P90 as shown. See lots of videos of this in operation at: Vortxrex Gold Mining on FB.